
Thursday 5 September 2013

Metals with More than One Oxidation State

Some Common Metals with More than One Oxidation State
Family Element Ion Name
VIB Chromium Chromium(II) or chromous
Chromium(III) or chromic
VIIB Manganese Manganese(II) or manganous
Manganese(III) or manganic
VIIIB Iron Iron(II) or ferrous
Iron(III) or ferric
Cobalt Cobalt(II) or cobaltous
Cobalt(III) or cobaltic
IB Copper Copper(I) or cuprous
Copper(II) or cupric
IIB Mercury Mercury(I) or mercurous
Mercury(II) or mercuric
IVA Tin Tin(II) or stannous
Tin(IV) or stannic
Lead Lead(II) or plumbous
Lead(IV) or plumbic

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