
Friday 5 April 2013

Solids, Liquids, Gases Compared


The particles of a solid are always arranged in an orderly manner. They have a constant volume, because the particles are so closely packed together, with very little space between them. Compression of a solid to any large extent is not possible because of this tight pack of particles.


A fluid is any substance that flows, and liquids are examples of fluids. The particles in liquids are allowed to freely move and change their positions. At all times are the particles moving, moving from neighbor to neighbor. This is why we can 'pour' a liquid into another container. A liquids confinement are the borders of its container. This is why when we pour a liquid into another container, there is conformity to the shape of the container. Compression of a liquid to any large extent is not possible.


Gases is another example of a fluid, it flows! The particles of gases are however much different than that of solids and liquids. The particles in gases are not neatly arranged, and they don't even touch each other most of the time. There is lots of space in between particles, which is why when put in a container, it is filled with the gas. And when released from a container, the gas is dispersed. The particles in gases are always moving, just like the particles in a liquid.

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