
Friday 5 April 2013


Proteins are made by building long chains of amino acids.
The Amino acid structure looks like this:
  • The R side chain is attached to central Carbon.
  • Each R side chain has a different structure to it
  • Twenty different types of side chains (20 amino acids)
  • Amino acids are linked together to form long chains.
  • Linked together by Peptide bonds a special covalent bond found in proteins.
  • Proteins are sometimes called Polypeptides.
  • After the chains of Amino acides are constructed, they can fold into more complex structures.
Four Levels of protein structure
  • Primary - exact sequence of amino acids before folding.
  • Secondary - simple folding create simple structures.
  • Tertiary - folding results in complex 3D structures.
  • Quaternary - multiple 3D subunits organized into a bigger structure.
  • Carries oxygen in the blood- It's made up of 4 specific 3D subunits
  • Proper protein function depends on correct 3D structure.
  • Any change in the specific primary structure can cause the protein to fold differently.
  • A different shape can lead to a different function (or lack of proper function).
  • Sickle cell anemia is an example

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